Heroes in a misspell! Turtle Power!
Here's another game I remember, but from a different pizza place. This game's title screen always made me wonder. How exactly can you make an error this huge and have it not get caught by SOMEbody??? Every Turtles machine I saw had this on it, for years. Man, sloppy.
The "R" was originally backwards?
The pizza place I was just referring to (Izzy's Pizza) has also had an old Tetris machine in it for about five years now. You might not believe this, but even Tetris started in the arcade. The last time I checked back at Izzy's(which was last week), the Tetris game was still there. Which makes me wonder why they haven't gotten anything fancier by
now. Certainly there's nicer things out there than THIS...
It must be still making a large profit. I guess if you've only got one quarter, you can't go wrong with Tetris...
Heh, can't go wrong with Rampage either! Rampage was followed up by Rampage World Tour in 1996 and by Rampage Universal Tour in 1999. Rampage Universal tour introduced three new monsters. Rampage World tour introduced doctor Betty Veronica (is that a pun or something?)
Return of Ishtar
For the life of me, I can't figure out why this one didn't catch on in America...
Grody to the max!
1988 -- Data East comes out with some game called "BAD DUDES!" and some other game called "TWO CRUDE!!" where people hit each other with cars. Actually I've never heard of these before in my life.