At the last millisecond, Professor Gulley is saved by Nikolas! Good thing; if that single drawing of a truck had enlarged itself any bigger, it surely would have been big enough to hit him. I have no idea what they talk about at this point, but did you notice the truck had all sevens on it?

After he's almost hit by a car, he's hit by a signpole (which is for 77th Street). He turns around to see two dogcatchers talking about something that involves liberal use of the word "siete." It likely goes like this: "This is the 77th dog we've caught, Carlos! Good thing the 77th Street Pound is only 7 blocks away! We might get a 7 dollar raise if we make it in 7 minutes!" You get the idea...well, eventually the professor does too, though it took him longer to get it than it took me, and I have the handicap of not understanding what anyone is saying!

He races back to the corner and rips the all-sevens ticket off the guy with the vigor of Red Sonja. He's confident this is his lucky day!

Back to Nikolas, who Gulley bumped into rather forcefully on his run back to the lottery guy. He's rather dazed, and trips over a can. Nikolas angrily kicks the can into a field, but finds a FOUR-LEAF CLOVER near where the can landed. Then he looks ahead and sees, just like Fry...a SEVEN-LEAF CLOVER! Both characters are hitting pay dirt! Maybe now Nikolas won't be hit by trees anymore.

Professor Gulley prays to his goddess or something, "Yo Renaire." It's one greedy prayer, but maybe she's the Goddess of Greed. He gets so lustful for the money that for a moment he actually develops the ability to almost speak ENGLISH: "I'm walking in the mooooon!" I said almost. With that he turns to leave.

He leaves the candle burning, and it falls onto the floor as he leaves. He gleefully drives away, confident that good fortune is ahead, while the school absolutely burns behind him. Yo Renaire has a vengeful wrath.

Time for COMMERCIALS! One was just so bizarre that I immediately hit Record and got most of it. I've even put it at the end of the special Betty Toons download at the end of this, so you can figure it out for yourself. I wish, though, that I could bring you the one Spanish ad I saw for a used car dealership where three fat men were dressed like Batman, Cyclops and Wolverine. I wouldn't blink an eye if they had used the typical Superman, but it was a FAT USED CAR SALESMAN DRESSED LIKE WOLVERINE. AND THEY ALL COULD FLY!!!

Nikolas is showing off his cool clover(now it only has five leaves; I guess Matt Groening got on their case). Betty is...still examining her dead plant, which can't be more dead. How long do you need to examine a dead plant that's this dead?? What could she possibly glean from it? Nikolas and Betty say some gibberish, and then they.....they...... this! And they do it while making a very bizarre noise, something like "AGLAGGLAGAGLHAGGGLE." I'm too lazy to look up that word in a Spanish dictionary.

They just suddenly do this...thing, and they do it again later on in the show. It's not laughing, it doesn't sound like laughing should sound.

It's time for the weekly numbers, and by golly, the first three were all sevens! Professor Gulley is biting his nails in anticipation. One more 7, and he's walking in the moon.

IT'S A SEVEN!!! Gulley's so ecstatic, he jumps around and says "I'm Rich" in English after saying it in Spanish 3 times. But the celebration is cut short when the TV cuts to a special report--apparently the school is on fire. He's already out the door at that point and doesn't see it. Gulley still doesn't know he did it, and won't think of his candle until the last two minutes of the episode. He was gonna quit, but the school quit first! This calls for a celebration!

He heads to a bar owned by the conglomerate "Bar Co." and gets completely wasted. He shouts something like, "Vas Kayoosa Wi Bera, Eeema Kee Wai Yoooo!" Everyone in the bar turns around and yells cheerfully, "AIYOOO!" He says some more stuff, and once again everybody turns to him and yells, "AIYOOO!" Want to know something even stranger? In the inlay you can see in the previous scene that one girl had red hair. Now as she yells at Gulley, her hair is blonde. Freeeeaky; how'd she do that?

Gulley then says something to the bartender I wish I could understand.

It must have been good.

Nikolas gets on the school bus with Betty, and they do that thing again. Wait, how can they be going to school? It's not there. Maybe no one on that bus realizes that yet. Nikolas touches his nose, and then flashes his five-leaf clover around again.

The kids get out of the bus and fall on top of each other, and the name of the school is revealed to be Gymnasio Post Moderno, or Post-Modern Gymnasium. I don't get it. The image on the right is the last one on the tape before it ran out, but here's what happened in the rest of the episode sans pictures: Professor Gulley apparently doesn't get rich after all, and is distraught over the burned-down school. He conducts an investigation into who did it, but comes up with nothing, until finally realizing it was him. Nikolas gives Gulley his five-leaf clover figuring Gulley needs it more than him. The last scene was of Gulley in an astronaut suit taking off, but then the camera pulled back to reveal he was just in an amusement park ride, where he had taken all the kids. The episode ended with the school still burnt down, and it was magically there again in the next episode.

Now that "Ugly Betty" is an American success, it's only a matter of time before they discover "Betty Toons." This'll be interesting. When the inevitable "Ugly Betty: Season One" DVD set shows up in 2007, is this bad cartoon going to show up as one of the extras? Or is it going to be dubbed by 4Kids, put on Saturday Morning and renamed "Xtreme Maximum Betty X"? Let's find out together.....