Today(yes, that's right, April 31, 2002), I made a fatal mistake in computer class. The teacher remarked that I had been "hoisted by my own petard." I asked him what that meant. "Uh..........................
................... idea." See, most of the people who use this obscure expression don't even know what it means.

But him being a teacher, he HAD to know. And since we were in a room full of computers, it was easy as pie for him to get the answer. Now, there's this projector hooked up to the computer that's in the center of the room so you can see what the teacher is doing. So he turned that on, and went to to look up "petard." He got it, all right.....

And now I know what my name means in France. Only the strong of will should find out the true meaning of this expression....THIS IS A WARNING. DON'T CLICK ON THAT! I SAID, DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Find out the meaning of "hoisted by your own petard"