Ad rates for Platypus Comix, calculated based on site traffic, are as follows:

$35 -- One Week (7 Days)
$70 -- Two Weeks (14 Days)
$140 -- One Month (30 Days)

Your ad will appear at the top of nearly all pages on the site for your requested period of time.
We accept both text and banner advertising. Please include below:

The URL of where you want the ad to lead;
if this is text-based, the text message you want;
or if this is a banner, a URL directing us to an image of said banner (please use .JPG, .GIF or .PNG links only to direct us to the banner, no HTMLs)

A PayPal invoice will be sent to the E-mail address provided. Deposit your cash and there's your ad!

*NOTE: We reserve the right to reject objectionable or undesirable advertising. No gambling, porn, or mail-order brides sold here.
